The Referral Process:
How to find a forest professional
to write your plan or handle your harvest.
1. Schedule a site visit with a CD Forester.
2. Determine your long term goals for managing your forested lands.
3. Walk the property with your CD forester and discuss your concerns for the property. Learn how the referral process works. Determine what actions to take to achieve your forest management goals.
4. Your CD Forester will assess your property and briefly describe your project.
5. Your CD forester will post your referral on our website and email your referral to the Qualified Foresters listed for your County. They have two weeks to respond whether they are interested in your project.
6. Your CD forester will prepare and send you a document that lists all the Forest professionals who have indicated that are interested in your project along with their contact information.
7. You will contact Consultants and determine if they are compatible with your management philosophy.
8. Approximately one month later the CD Forester will call to find out if you have found a professional to handle your management concerns.