Oscoda County Conservation District
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Forestry Requests? 989-826-8824
Office Questions: 989-217-1368
 MAEAP is a free and confidential program that gives agricultural producers the opportunity to learn about Right to Farm and other applicable laws. The program consists of a series of questions that the producer answers in the privacy of their farm with the technician present to provide clarification, offer alternatives, tools, and potential cost share options for alleviating any potential concerns. If a farmer meets all agricultural regulations or works to meet them, the program will then grant verified farms additional protection of any nuisance complaints. MAEAP is designed to provide this assistance to every size and type of farm ranging from backyard hobby farms all the way to large livestock and cash crop operations. The main systems of MAEAP are Farmstead, Cropping, Livestock, Greenhouse, Nursery, Christmas Trees, Fruit, and the new Forest, Habitat and Wetlands assessment. The farm can work through the program at their own pace with the help of the technician. Since the program is voluntary and non-regulatory, it gives Michigan farmers the reward of being proactive in protecting our natural resources and rewards multiple levels of achievement recognized by the State of Michigan. This program is unique to our state and is giving our agriculture sector the upmost recognition and protecting our farmers from additional regulations like many other states are experiencing. To learn more about the program in general, click on the MAEAP link above.